Jesse Nowack
Jesse Nowack
Actor, Writer, Voice Talent
So funny!
— Jesse's mom

Jesse Nowack is an LA-based actor, writer, and video editor with two decades of experience in voice over. Sporting a career that spans from pre-transition to post-transition, he can be heard in commercials, video games, anime, cartoons, audiobooks, and everything in between.

Some of Jesse's roles include voicing Masaki in FLCL: Shoegaze, Elliot Wright in the Sparrow Archives series, Harold in The Flame, Ganymede in Whispering, Zinn and Cactus Canary in 2064: Read Only Memories, Huxley in Diesel Dust, and Red in Fist Master. He can be seen as Mr. Fork in Unabridged and Spider-Man/Peter Parker in Spider-Man: Kraven’s Last Grift. In addition, Jesse can be heard as the narration for the video series on transition at Seattle Children's Gender Clinic.

In 2016, Jesse earned his bachelor’s degree in writing and released his first poetry book Raw, which sold out all 150 physical copies in its first month of release. During Pride month of 2018, Jesse came out as trans and began his transition, starting testosterone therapy in January of 2019. On March 23, 2019, Jesse was the focus of a 24 hour livestream that raised $25,000 and was able to make donations to both Trans Lifeline and Trans Legal Defense & Education Fund after the initial goals were met. On November 29th 2021, Jesse received Stage 1 phalloplasty, making him the first voice actor to have the procedure. Jesse is a guest speaker at various types of fandom and industry conventions and has traveled all over the world to talk about voice over and acting.


Where To Find Jesse


Voice Over Demo


Live Action Demo


Stuff Jesse’s In

Resume text.png

Voice Over

(Partial List)


Voice Over Demo

Jesse’s Recording Set Up

Microphone - Neumann TLM103 Cardioid Studio Condenser Microphone
Preamp - Focusrite Scarlett Solo
DAW - PC with Windows 10


Jesse’s Booth Sample



Jesse is an award-winning writer who’s worked on projects with millions of viewers. He received his bachelor’s degree in Writing from the College of Staten Island, where he was taught by some of the top authors in New York, including the poet Patricia Smith, novelist/screenwriter Sarah Schulman, and playwright Lee Papa. He consults on projects of every shape and size, but is often brought in to polish work involving queer or trans characters.

(Partial List)

Epic Wub Time - Alligator in the Tub Productions (2012) Co-Writer

Captain Cumulus - WeLoveFine (2013) Co-Writer

Epic Rage Time - Alligator in the Tub Productions (2013) Co-Writer

Epic Rage Time - Alligator in the Tub Productions (2015) Co-Writer

Outlaw Dark - Lil Critter Workshop (2016) Co-Writer

Raw - (2016) Lead Writer

Diesel Dust - TeamFourStar, Studio1HP (2018) Writing Consultant, Additional Concept Development

YIAY Live! Minigames - Jacksfilms (2018) Writer

Fist Master - TeamFourStar, Reality Punch Studios (2020) Episode 2 Co-Writer

Unabridged - TeamFourStar (2022) Co-Writer

Murky Mud - (2010-Present) Lead Writer


Video Editing

Jesse has over a decade of video editing experience and has produced content for many different teams and companies over the years. Here's just a few!




Jesse on the set of Spider-Man: Kraven’s Last Grift, taking an awkward prom photo with his stunt double (Jason Kai)

2019 Headshot



Jesse has been a guest at conventions all around the world, speaking on panels and performing at concerts. If you'd like to see him at your local con, feel free to contact their guest relations and (nicely) request him.



Nothing publicly announced right now, check back later!



 “Jesse is the funniest guy with the softest face.”

“When I heard Jesse’s audition and callback, I knew I had found someone that could do the part with ease, comfort, and humor. I’ve loved working with him! He’s followed direction wonderfully and leaned into awkward moments like a bobsled champion, even bringing some fantastic improvisations to the scenes we recorded. 10/10 highly recommend!”


For all bookings, contact Jesse at: